Timothy Lake Messabout 9/21-22/08

Thorne's Dory Restoration Page

Thorne's Boating Events Calendar

The Oregon Coots TSCA chapter hosts this annual event on Timothy Lake in the Cascades, just south of Mt. Hood.

I drove up on Thursday, spending the night with friends in Bend before heading up Hwy 97 and taking Hwy 26 up to the crest of the mountains.

Various Coots were there already, and more arrived Friday afternoon.

Jetman's boat, "Don't Panic", arrives at the Lake.

Here is Jetman's unique propulsion system being admired by another Coot. It pushed his Diablo very nicely!

We launched off the rocky beach which was quite shallow.

Here are the boats on the beach from the launching area.

And down the beach just a bit.

The Core Sound 20 really liked the weather - we sailed together across the lake to Meditation Point, where I quickly put the reef back in my mainsail.

Sailing across the lake to the point.

David Greybeal was sailing his Goat Island Skiff nearby as I crossed the lake.

This is the shore of the boat-in Meditation Point campground looking northwest.

Looking southwest up the point.

Looking northeast along the shoreline near Mediation Point.

Later that day, Dave G. helps me launch my boat from the beach into stronger winds. These three larger photos were stolen from Dan's Photobucket pics - http://s156.photobucket.com/albums/t4/auroradan/Timothy%20Lake%202008/

Here I am howling across the lake. David's GIS is being sailed by his buddy Jerry who helped build it. You can see a small pillar of water flying off my bow and heading up to splash in my face...it was WET!

Lou Brochetti's Pacific Pelican returns to shore. What a wonderfully stable boat, and perfect for the conditions on Timothy Lake that weekend!

Later I took a ride across the lake and back on the CS20 -- exciting and only occasionally damp.

David G's PD Racer leeboard had a slight wardrobe malfunction...

David G took this last photo as he drove off in the rain Sunday night...leaving me to spend the night all alone in the Coots camp before driving back to the Bay Area the next day.

"Look sad" he said as he snapped the pic...(grin).

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